Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Rainbow and Fluttershy Skiing

All done. Here the full finished skiing pic.

Rainbow and Fluttershy Skiing Lineart

Feel like doing more winter scenes. Here the next one I working on.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Team Amazon's Valentine Part 1 (NSFW Available)

This is the first part as Amazon girls showing off their lingerie on Valentine. I included black and red version, and naked is also available on my other blog.

Amazon Valentine Lineart

I was planning to do more cheerleading pics, mostly for Vikings or Eagles, but decided to back off after someone trying to troll me about my favorite team loss last week, worry that if the Patriots did win next week. Although I did block him on DA, it won't be the last he will pick on me.

Anyway, Valentine is around the corner, and take a wild guess. More Amazon pics are on it way, and I be doing Cody and his girls on their Valentine night. Here's the first lineart I be working on.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Working Out for the New Year Resolution (Request)

Last request of this month, but may choose leftovers if I have time. Here's Lynn trying to work out as her one of New year resolution goals.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Pet Shop Cheering on Jaguars

Very rare occasion that I included pets in it, because I thought I want more support when my favorite team have to go against the Patriots this Sunday to advance the Super Bowl. I hope the Jags would win it. Alternative jerseys also included.

Team Amazon Cheering on Jaguars

One pic is done! Here another Jags artwork as Cody and Amazon girls are cheering on my favorite team in Jacksonville. Alternative jerseys are also included, and plus since it's throwback Thursday, I included a throwback reference. I hope you spot it.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Amazon and Pet Shop Jaguars Lineart

Now going against Tom Brady and the Patriots this Sunday, I got two more Jaguars pics in the works this week. Surprisingly, I decided to included Pet characters on Blythe and Youngmee pic, just to get more support for my favorite team (Don't worry about less details on their faces; it'll be added using PS tools later on). And if the Jags will lose this week, I plan to do more cheerleading pics anyway, but for Vikings or Eagles (I have no plans to do Patriots at all).

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Mike and Zoey Making Snowmen (Request)

Another request pic already finished. Here Mike and Zoey making snowmen of each other. There's also a full nudity version, available on my other blog.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Ella and Leshawna Sledding (Request)

First request done. Ella and Leshawna sliding down on a snow hill together. 

January Request Linearts

Jaguars won yesterday, that's mean I planning to do more this week. But it doesn't mean I forgot those requests this month. I actually got started this weekend and it ready for color later on.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Star and Friends Cheering on Jaguars

This could be the last pic for now (unless they win against the Steelers) as I haven't start doing requests yet. Here Star, Janna, and Jackie, ready to pump up for my favorite team. For the alternative pics, I decided not to do teal tongue, but instead changing color on Star's jersey, especially the golden color rush.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Equestria Girls as Jaguars Cheerleaders

Jaguars Wins... in a Wild Card round, and they're moving on. As promise, more cheerleading pics. Rainbow, Fluttershy, Sunset, and Twilight cheering on my favorite football team. Alternative pic for Rainbow and Fluttershy also included, one without a teal tongue.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Amazon Playing Twister (NSFW Available)

This is the partial follow-up from one of the last Christmas pics. Cody playing Twister game with Amazon girls. This is the most challenging I ever done, not just the pose, but making a Twister floor mat (I used photoshop to make it). I have to line up carefully while trying to get their hands and feet touch a colorful circle. I even did a light sketch of where a mat would be located. I like to do more of these, but it would be very tough to do this. Fully nude is available on my other blog.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

6teen as Jaguars Cheerleaders

First post of twenty-eighteen, and what a way to celebrate. If you haven't know, my favorite football team is Jacksonville Jaguars, and since they made it to playoffs for a first time in a decade, I wanted to do this drawing for so long. I also did alternative pic, can you spot one different? I might do Equestria and TDI girls later on, not just Jaguars but for other teams as well.