Thursday, June 29, 2017

Amazon Sky Deck Selfie

All finished! Sierra taking a selfie with her teammates on a top of the Willis tower. It really scary to stand on glass box. I went there before few times, and although it was fun to see from a bird-eye view, I was scare also.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Team Amazon Chicago Selfie (Plus a preview pic)

Cody and the Team Amazon girls arrive in the windy city, and setting up a background was not easy, especially that Willis Tower, or Sears tower you called. Speaking of that, I actually working on a next pic, which I decided to include in this post. It going to be Amazons standing on a sky deck, with Cody and Heather very scare. Notice I try to make their legs very small, since a pic will be tilted very high. It will be finished by tonight or tomorrow. 

Friday, June 23, 2017

Playtoon #7 (Izzy)

Issue number 7 is here! It over-18 Izzy going wild in the jungle. Full NSFW pic is on my other blog.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Beach Relaxing and Loud Wrestle (Request)

The last two requests for a month are done. Lindsay and Tyler having their relaxing time at a beach together, and Lynn going against Ronnie Anne on a boxing ring. Requests will be reopen next month.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Playing Devices on a Back Seat

Amazon girls, Gwen, Heather, and Courtney have some time to play their games and smart devices, and even a Switch on a go, while traveling to the first stop during their road trip. And this is one of the reasons that blending my drawing and photoshop BG is not easy as you think. I was using PS tools to make seat belts to wear them (because safety first) but not bad for a first shot.

JasminexShawn Wedding Day (Request)

A couple from Pahkitew Island is now husband and wife, thanks to one request. Here Jasmine and Shawn on their wedding day.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Fear Factor and Match Game (Request)

Sorry to keep you waiting so long; I been busy for a past few weeks, I had a family vacation and a big house cleaning. It just one of the moments that you don't have a little free time. Anyway, I finished two more requests pics. Bridgette and Dawn on Fear Factor underwater challenge and Dazzlings on Match Game.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

EnnuixCrimson at a Beach (Request)

First RQ of a month, sorry to keep you waiting. Here ungoth Enniu and Crimson having their "tender moment" together at a beach (their two pics instead of one). Full NSFW is on my other blog.

First Stop, Chicago

Team Amazon's Road Trip is just the beginning as they stop in the middle of a road and show where they going first. And I may not be accurate in how many miles from Chicago to St. Louis. I used Google help for a answer, it said about 260, but didn't feel like using math while finishing this pic.